Week 5 - Model Making

Paper Model

Scale 1:50

This was the best scale to work with, as the paper maintained a more rigid structure at this size and therefore it was easier to create cutouts in the paper and for it to maintain the desired structure.

Cardboard Model

Scale 1:50

I maintained the same scale as the previous paper model so that I could really compare the different materials.

Different Folds


Ideal Room

Scale 1:50

  • I made this model using the same scale as the previous two models.
  • I used the same dimensions of my room, location of the wardrobe and location of the door. 
  • To make the room my ideal space I sloped the roof, extended the height of the window, added a loft and added a staircase that descends into a basement like area. The room I have added beneath is a cave-like room that I formed using scrunched paper so it looks like rocks.   
  • The paper allowed me to make the handrails and stairs quite easily.


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