Week 8 - Photoshopping and Adding Texture to Models
Final Composition of the Spaces within the Environment

I put a white low opacity screen over the room to represent the wall that would be there but isn't existent to allow one to see in.
I like the surfaces of natural materials and the way these irregular and polished surfaces interact with the light that enters the window, through the door and produced by the downlights above. Natural materials create this connection between the indoors and outdoors. Though I have used some manufactured textures in the image below most originate from natural materials allowing these textures to take on other forms and textures.
House 1
House 2
House 3
These are the original textures I wished to use in my space, it utilises a combination of natural textures and has a white roof which helps to increase albedo meaning that more light is reflected back into the atmosphere rather than being absorbed in the dark surfaces. This absorption of light and therefore heat is one contributing factor to increased global temperature.
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